Forest Camp 2024!

What a week of Forest Camp we had! Since camp ended I have been smiling thinking about the children who joined us, the energy and exuberance they brought to each day, the adventures and curiosity, and our shared experiences under the oaks and in the creek.

We began our week with a rhythm: we gathered in circle, sang a morning song, played a group game, and hiked into our adventure of the day! We played nature connected games like animal call, fire in the forest, fox tails, stick joust, and hawks eye.

Each day we spent time at the creek catching tadpoles, frogs and dragonflies. We climbed trees and made forts and swings. We journeyed to caves, received nature names in a ceremony, and observed hawks, quail, and more. We shared fruit and stories under the shade of oaks. Friendships sprouted.

It was amazing to see the kids’ confidence and comfort grow as the week progressed and as they began to know the land in a new way. Blossoming and opening to the plants, animals, and elements of place…this is the root of nature connection!

Thank you to the families who joined us for the debut of Wild Kin Forest Camp!


Animal Tracking—our first workshop!